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Revd. Sue Murray    t: 01452 770897

Parish Safeguarding Officer:  Alison Harriman

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All Saints Bisley has been a place of Christian worship since Saxon times.

Thomas Keble, who was vicar of Bisley from 1827-1873 improved the physical, moral, and spiritual welfare of his people. He organised the building of a number of churches including St Bartholomew Oakridge, Christ Church Chalford, St John the Baptist France Lynch and the restoration of All Saints. Keble was dedicated to provide a proper education for the children of his parish, and schools were built and endowed in each of the villages.

Thomas Keble’s life history

Sunday Services at All Saints

Morning Prayer is said on a Thursday at 8.00am

1st Sunday

11.00am Sunday Morning Worship

6.00pm BCP Communion

2nd Sunday

11.00am Holy Communion. A sung service of Holy Communion

(Common Worship), with sermon

3rd Sunday

11.00am Cafe Church -  a more informal service

We operate as a Benefice and worship at one of the other churches is encouraged when there is no service in your home church

4th Sundays

9.30am and 11.00am Holy Communion around the Benefice

5th Sunday

10.00am combined service