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Revd. Sue Murray    t: 01452 770897

Parish Safeguarding Officer:  Alison Harriman

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Anyone who lives in one of the parishes that make up the Benefice is entitled to be married, baptised or have their funeral in their local church. If you are not sure which parish you live in, please click here

There is no charge for a baptism (christening) service. Please contact the vicar to find out when the most appropriate time for your baptism might be. If you want to know more about baptism click here

We are also happy to prepare people for confirmation – a service where those often baptised as children want to make their promises and express their faith for themselves as adults.

If you do not currently live within the parish, but have a strong personal connection to one of our churches or the parish, then you may still be entitled to be married here if you fulfil certain conditions.

Click here  to find out what they are or contact the vicar

If you are planning a church wedding, you might find this website useful  Your Church Wedding

The Church of England has a website to help with planning a funeral – to see it, click here