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Revd. Sue Murray    t: 01452 770897

Parish Safeguarding Officer:  Alison Harriman

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Sunday Services at St John the Baptist

8.00am Holy Communion 1,2,3,4 Sundays

(1st according to Book of Common Prayer)  

1st Sunday  

9.30am Holy Communion

2nd Sunday           

9.30am Morning Worship

We operate as a Benefice and worship at one of the other churches is encouraged when there is no service in your home church

4th Sundays

9.30am and 11.00am Holy Communion around the Benefice

5th Sunday

10.00am combined service

Morning Prayer is said on a Wednesday at 8.00am

Morning Prayer is often said daily during Lent and Advent

Compline with meditation is on the first Monday of the month at 6.00pm

St John the Baptist church dates from 1857 and is one of a number of churches in the wider area built at the instigation of Thomas Keble, then Vicar of Bisley. With two highly populated adjoining villages, France Lynch and Chalford Hill, he saw the need for a centre of worship here.

Situated on the side of the hill overlooking a picturesque valley, it is a beautiful and peaceful situation.  Inside, the fine work in lapis luzuli and malachite on white marble – prominent in and around the chancel, on the choir screen, pulpit and reredos – lifts our church above the ordinary.

St John's still maintains a tradition of involvement with the local community, not least through the nearby Church Rooms (our Village Hall on the Hill ),details of which can be found through the following link France Lynch Church Rooms. We gladly welcome everyone to our mix of services and aim to provide the community with a centre for fellowship, mission and support, with special services such as our annual All Souls and Carol services.

For more information about the early history of St John the Baptist Church read on